Tertiary Agricultural Training Guide

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The information supplied here is assumed to be correct at the time of publication. Where possible, contact names and details have been verified as being accurate.
The Agribusiness Association of Australia Inc. accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the information presented in this section of Agribusiness OnLine.
Australian National University, Canberra www.anu.edu.au
Dr Mick Tanton - Mick.Tanton@anu.edu.au T 02 6249 2579

F 02 6249 0746

TAFE ACT Canberra Institute of Technology www.cit.act.edu.au
Lorna Citer - lorna.citer@cit.edu.au T 02 62074953

F 02 62073361

University of Canberra, Canberra www.canberra.edu.au
Prof. Robert Kearney - kearney@science.canberra.edu.au T 02 6201 5785

F 02 6201 2328

C.B.Alexander Agricultural College TOCAL, Paterson www.tocal.nsw.edu.au
Maria Semken - tocal@agric.nsw.gov.au T 1800 025 520

F 02 4938 5549

Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga www.csu.edu.au   

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Judith Boadle jboadle@csu.edu.au  T 02 6933 2420

F 02 6933 2812

Murrumbidgee College of Agriculture, Yanco www.agric.nsw.gov.au 
Suzzanne Campbell suzzanne.campbell@agric.nsw.gov.au  T 02 6951 2699

F 02 6955 7580

University of Sydney - Orange www.orange.usyd.edu.au
Student administration - studies@orange.usyd.edu.au T 02 6360 5511

F 02 6360 5590

Southern Cross University - Lismore campus www.scu.edu.au/schools/esm 
Kim Toussaint - esm@scu.edu.au T 02 6620 3249

F 02 6621 2669

Southern Cross University - Coffs Harbour Campus www.scu.edu.au
Carole Davis - cdavis@scu.edu.au T 02 6659 3195

F 02 6659 3206

TAFE, NSW www.lg.tafensw.edu.au/1656/
Primary Industries and Natural Resources ESD T 02 6393 5900

F 02 6362 8082

Open Training and Education Network-Distance Education - The Institute of Distance Education www.tafensw.edu.au/oten
Allen Schofield allen.schofield@tafensw.edu.au  T 02 9715 8511

F 02 9715 8522

University of New England, Armidale www.une.edu.au  

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Faculty Assistant Registrar - scifac@metz.une.edu.au T 02 6773 3059

F 02 6773 3376

University of Newcastle, Newcastle www.newcastle.edu.au
Jill Moncriess science@newcastle.edu.au  T 02 4921 5562

F 02 4921 6914

University of Sydney, Sydney www.agric.usyd.edu.au
Michelle Gairn - m.gairn@agec.usyd.edu.au T 02 9351 2936

F 02 9351 2945

University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury - www.uws.edu.au
UWS Hawkesbury Student Recruitment - study@uws.edu.au T 1800 897669

F 02 4570 1553

University of Wollongong, Wollongong www.uow.edu.au\science\env
Prof. John Morrison john_morrison@uow.edu.au  T 02 4221 4134

F 02 4221 4665

Australian College of Tropical Agriculture, Ayr Burdekin campus and Mareeba campus
Tracey Sandbek tracey.sandbek@acta.qld.edu.au  T 07 4790 6264

F 07 4790 6200

Dalby Agricultural College, Dalby www.dac.qld.edu.au
Vince Clegg - admin@dac.qld.edu.au T 07 4662 3000

F 07 4662 4048

Emerald Agricultural College, Emerald  www.eac.qld.edu.au
Nadine Tennant - eacinfo@eac.qld.edu.au T 07 4982 8777

T 1800 828 777

F 07 4982 8710
Griffith University, Gold Coast www.gu.edu.au
Anne Eastgate - a.eastgate@mailbox.gu.edu.au T 07 5594 8258

F 07 5594 8067

James Cook University of North Queensland Townsville Cairns www.jcu.edu.au
Student Admissions - EnquiriesTownsville@jcu.edu.au T 1800 246 446

F 07 4781 4644

Longreach Pastoral College, Longreach www.lpc.qld.edu.au
Frank Keenan - admin@lpc.qld.edu.au T 07 4658 4699

F 07 4658 1956

Sunshine Coast University, Maroochydore www.usc.edu.au
Dr Ron Neller - rneller@usc.edu.au T 07 5430 1204

F 07 5430 2881

TAFE, Queensland www.TAFE.net
General enquires  T 07 3244 5535
Central Queensland University, Rockhampton www.cqu.edu.au
Admissions office - admissions@cqu.edu.au T 1300 360 444

F 07 4930 9399

University of Queensland - St Lucia Campus and Gatton Campus, Gatton www.nrsm.up.edu.au/nravs/

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Christine Ablott nravs.enquiries@uqg.uq.edu.au  T 07 5460 1279

F 07 5460 1170

University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba www.uq.edu.au/faculty/engineer
Melena Harper engsurv@usq.edu.au  T 07 4631 1720

F 07 4631 2526

Australian Correspondence Schools - Nerang, Queensland www.acs.edu.au
John Mason - admin@acs.edu.au T 07 5530 4855

F 07 5525 1728

University of Tasmania, Hobart, Launceston and Burnie www.utas.edu.au/docs/agscience.html
 Sally Jones- Sally.Jones@utas.edu.au T 03 6226 2620

F 03 6226 2642

TAFE, Tasmania Institute of Natural Resources www.tafe.tas.edu.au 
Peter Cocker - cocker@tafe.tas.gov.au T 03 6434 5805

F 03 6434 5891

Deakin University, Melbourne www.deakin.edu.au
Tina Conde - tinaa@deakin.edu.au T 03 9244 7218

F 03 9244 7480

La Trobe University, Melbourne www.latrobe.edu.au
Margaret Botterill - M.Botterill@latrobe.edu.au T 03 9479 2059

F 03 9479 2585

Marcus Oldham College, Geelong www.marcusoldham.vic.edu.au
Jenny Wotherspoon - wotherspoon@marcusoldham.vic.edu.au T 03 5243 3533

F 03 5244 1263

Monash University, Melbourne www.monash.edu.au
Sofia Dimadamos - sofia.dimadamos@buseco.monash.edu.au T 03 9903 1488

F 03 9903 1558

TAFE, Victoria www.pete.vic.gov.au

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TAFE Course Line - Tafe.Courseline@edumail.vic.gov.au T 131 823

F 03 9637 3260

University of Ballarat, Ballarat www.ballarat.edu.au/science
Sue Hynes - s.hynes@ballarat.edu.au T 03 5327 9493

F 03 5327 9240

University of Melbourne Institute of Land and Food Resources - www.landfood.unimelb.edu.au
 Jeff Topp - mycareer@landfood.unimelb.edu.au T 1800 815 803

F 03 9348 2156

Victoria University of Technology
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Dept. of Land information, Melbourne
Chris Bellman - chris.bellman@rmit.edu.au T 03 9925 2213

F 03 9663 2517

Australian Correspondence Schools - Melbourne, Victoria 
Course Enquiries vic@acs.edu.au  T 03 9736 1882

F 03 9736 4034

Curtin University of Technology Muresk Institute of Agriculture Northam, WA www.curtin.edu.au/curtin/muresk  

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Academic Officer - course@muresk.curtin.edu.au T 08 9690 1576

F 08 9690 1500

Murdoch University, Perth www.murdoch.edu.au
John Zanden - zanden@numbat.murdoch.edu.au T 08 9360 2526

F 08 9310 7390

University of Western Australia, Perth www.agric.uwa.edu.au
Jenny Slater faculty@agric.uwa.edu.au  T 08 9380 2565

F 08 9380 1002

TAFE, Western Australia - WA Training Information Centre - 




WA Training Information Center information@afh.training.wa.gov.au T 08 9325 9322

F 08 9321 1422

Flinders University of South Australia, Adelaide www.flinders.edu.au
Margaret Robinson - Margaret.robinson@flinders.edu.au T 08 8201 2430

F 08 8201 5034

TAFE, South Australia  www.tafe.sa.edu.au
TAFE SA Information Centre - tafeinfo@tafe.sa.edu.au T 08 8226 3409

F 08 8226 3446

University of Adelaide, Adelaide www.waite.adelaide.edu.au
Alister Richards - alister.richards@adelaide.edu.au T 08 8303 7360

F 08 8303 7104

University of South Australia, Adelaide www.unisa.edu.au
Adelaide Program Information Center T 08 8302 2376

F 08 8302 0233

Batchelor College, Batchelor  www.nt.gov.au/vatc 
Sonia Tidemann - sonia.tidemann@nt.gov.au T 08 8939 7260

F 08 8939 7331

TAFE, Northern Territory - Northern Territory Rural College, Katherine www.ntu.edu.au/faculties/site/schools/ruralcollege 
Marie Witts - marie.witts@kthntrc.nt.gov.au T 08 8973 8311

F 08 8973 8300

Centralian College, Alice Springs www.ozemail.com.au/centcoll
Maria McCoy - maria.mccoy@nt.gov.au T 08 8959 5419

F 08 8959 5343

Northern Territory University, Darwin www.ntu.edu.au
Course Information - uni-info@ntu.edu.au T 1800 061 963

F 08: 8946 6642

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