The University of New England

UNE's contact information for student enquiries is:

The Admissions Unit 
UNE Armidale  NSW 2351
Tel:  Freecall  1800 81 8865 or 02 6773 3556 
Fax:  02 6773 3196

Course Name Course Type Course Duration Course Delivery
Bachelor of Agriculture University Bachelor degree 3 years full-time, up to 10 years part-time  On-campus and distance education
Bachelor of Rural Science University Bachelor degree 4 years full-time, up to 12 years part-time On-campus and distance education for the first three years of the 4-year course
Bachelor of Environmental Science University Bachelor degree 3 years full-time, up to 10 years part-time On-campus and distance education
Bachelor of Natural Resources University Bachelor degree 4 years full-time, up to 12 years part-time On-campus and distance education
Certificate in Rural Science (Cotton Production, Meat Science and Technology, Feedlot Management, and general streams) University Certificate Up to 2 years part-time Distance education
Bachelor of Science (Horticultural Science stream) University Bachelor degree 3 years full-time, up to 10 years part-time On-campus and distance education

For more detailed course information contact.

Andrew St.John-Brown 

Assistant Registrar
Faculty of The Sciences 
The University of New England 
NSW 2351 Australia

Tel: + 61 2 6773 3106 
Fax: + 61 2 6773 3376 
Mobile: 0427 474642

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