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Harry Potter and the Pendulums of Perpetual Motion:
Figure 1. Agricultural and non-agricultural net benefits from environmental treatments (e.g. planting perennials to prevent salinity) in four scenarios. |
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In scenario A, the combination of agricultural and non-agricultural benefits is such that it is possible for an economic instrument to change the way a farm is managed and to be beneficial overall (in terms of efficiency). The instrument could provide sufficient incentive to exceed the farmer's break-even requirement (mainly determined by the profitability of their existing land use) and prompt a change of management without violating one or more of the principles outlined above.
In the other three scenarios, either the treatment is not sufficiently profitable at the farm level, or the non-agricultural benefits are too small or both. This highlights a point which is often neglected: the private, farm-level economics of the proposed management change are critically important in determining whether a program of economic policy instruments intended to reduce external costs would be a good thing. They may even be more important than the size of the external costs. In the case of dryland salinity, this is likely to be the case more often than not.
Some characteristics of dryland salinity
Even though the off-farm costs of dryland salinity are obviously high, the off-farm benefits from on-farm treatments are often much smaller than the off- farm costs. Particularly in drier regions, the treatments are often only partly effective at preventing salinity off-site and the positive off-site effects tend to be very long delayed ( Bell et al. 2000 ; George et al. 1999 ; Hatton and Nulsen 1999 ; Heaney et al. 2000 ; National Land and Water Resources Audit 2001 ; Stauffacher et al. 2000 ) . Applying standard discounting methods to convert distant future benefits into present values for the purpose of decision making greatly reduces the magnitude of the benefits. The significance of this for economic instruments is as follows. The level of off-farm benefits from on-farm treatments sets an upper limit on what it could be worthwhile for the community to provide in financial support to farmers (using economic policy instruments) to encourage adoption of new practices. Small off-site benefits warrant only small financial support. For similar reasons, they warrant only small financial penalties for non-compliance, when a regulatory or tax-based approach is used.
For most of the agricultural land threatened with salinity, there is currently no perennial plant that can be produced profitably. When evaluated within an individual farm, the benefit:cost ratio for planting existing perennials varies widely, but in drier regions it is frequently well below one; often nearer to 0.5.
Thus, for the majority of non-irrigated agricultural land, off-site benefits from re-establishing perennial vegetation are low, or on site costs are high, or both. In these situations, use of market-based instruments are unlikely to be effective in altering farm management on the scale needed to prevent non-agricultural salinity impacts unless the incentives created are greater than the off-site benefits. The use of such large incentives would actually reduce economic efficiency, rather than increase it, because they would encourage adoption of perennials in situations where the total costs exceed the total benefits.
Some practical aspects of implementation
I have focused above on one of the practical aspects of implementation: the need, prior to introducing economic policy instruments, to identify situations where there is a clear community benefit from changes in land management which are not occurring spontaneously (in other words, the need to identify situations of prominent market failure). I am not saying that the instruments will not be "successful" in locations with no market failure, at least in the sense of promoting changes in farming practices. It is just that such "successes" may actually be better described as cases of "government failure", because they would be cases where government intervention reduced economic efficiency. The fact that interventions may display the superficial trappings of success will likely make it difficult to convince others that they are looking at government failure.
Even where market failure is identified, the potential for government failure remains. A perpetual motion machine must defy the reality of friction. For economic policy instruments, friction comes in the form of "transaction costs". These would include costs of administration, collecting scientific information, monitoring and enforcing agreements. For the schemes which are more attractive in theory, such as tradable permits, these transaction costs could be very high. The more it costs to enforce adherence to agreed outcomes, the lower are the net benefits to society from the policy. However, without enforcement, the policy is toothless and ineffective.
Efficiency is also threatened by long time lags and uncertainty. Ideally, we would like both sides of a market for "environmental services" to operate, with the efficient level of services being arrived at by the competitive interaction of buyers and sellers. In reality, the public benefits of environmental services from salinity prevention are a long way into the future. Indeed, they are so far into the future that the beneficiaries will not be around to participate in any scheme of "market-based mechanisms". Given this, it is probably necessary for government to operate as a monopoly purchaser of salinity prevention services. It is government then that must bear the risks and inefficiencies arising from the considerable uncertainties surrounding even the best projections by scientists about future salinity.
A fourth practical way in which the efficiency of economic instruments may be reduced is if there is no choice but to base them on indirect and inexact indicators of the desired outcomes, rather than on the outcomes themselves. For salinity, the desired off-site outcomes, such as protection of water quality in the Murray River, will occur many years after the action is taken; many years after the program of economic policy instruments is a matter of history. If such instruments are to be used, there is clearly no choice but to use indirect and inexact indicators of the desired outcomes, such as the area of trees planted, or the reduction in on-site groundwater recharge.
So, what action is needed?
Notwithstanding the critical tone above, I believe that further investigation is needed to design and evaluate economic policy instruments for environmental management. However, the instruments need to target situations where market failure is clear and costly. In the case of dryland salinity that will be in the minority of situations where:
A very small proportion of the agricultural landscape of Australia satisfies these requirements. "Suck it and see" is clearly not the right strategy.
What we do in the areas where economic policy instruments are not appropriate is the subject for another paper (e.g. Pannell 2001b ). Perhaps that paper should be called "Harry Potter and the Burden of Unpalatable Truths".
Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 2001, 'Alternative Policy Approaches to Natural Resource Management', Background Report to the Natural Resource Management Taskforce, ABARE, Canberra.
Bell , R., Mues, C. and Beare, S. 2000, 'Salinity management: Some public policy issues in the Murray Darling Basin', in Proceedings of the National Outlook Conference, 29 February - 2 March 2000, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Canberra, vol. 1, pp. 151-163.
George , R.J., Nulsen, R.A., Ferdowsian, R. and Raper, G.P. 1999, 'Interactions between trees and groundwaters in recharge and discharge areas - a survey of Western Australian sites', Agricultural Water Management , vol. 39, pp. 91-113.
Hatton , T.J. and Nulsen, R.A. 1999, 'Towards achieving functional ecosystem mimicry with respect to water cycling in southern Australian agriculture', Agroforestry Systems , vol. 45, pp. 203-14.
Heaney , A., Beare, S. and Bell, R. 2000, 'Targeting reforestation for salinity management', Australian Commodities , vol. 7, pp. 511-518.
National Land and Water Resources Audit 2001, Australian Dryland Salinity Assessment 2000, National Land and Water Resources Audit, Canberra.
Pannell,D.J. 2001a , 'Explaining non-adoption of practices to prevent dryland salinity in Western Australia: Implications for policy', in Conacher, A. (ed.), Land Degradation , Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 335-346.
Pannell, D.J. 2001b , 'Dryland salinity: Economic, scientific, social and policy dimensions', Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics , vol. 45, pp. 517-546.
Rowling , J.K. 1997, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone , Bloomsbury, London.
Stauffacher , M., Bond, W., Bradford, A., Coram, J., Cresswell, H., Dawes, W., Gilfedder, M., Huth, N., Keating, B., Moore, A., Paydar, Z., Probert, M., Simpson, R., Stefanski, A. and Walker, G. 2000, 'Assessment of salinity management options for Wanilla, Eyre Peninsula: Groundwater and crop water balance modelling', Technical Report 1/00, CSIRO Land & Water, Bureau of Rural Sciences, Canberra.
[1] David Pannell is Associate Professor in Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of WA. His research includes farmer adoption of land conservation practices, and the economics of land conservation at farm, catchment, and community levels. He was a member of the WA Government's Salinity Taskforce in 2001. In 2000 he was President of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society. He is a Program Leader in the Cooperative Research Centre for Plant-Based Management of Dryland Salinity. For more on themes related to this paper, see http://welcome.to/seanews
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