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Land and Environment : Agribusiness Assoc. of Australia

Connections: Farm, Food and Resource Issues

Connections is refereed by Glenn Ronan and Bill Malcolm. The name reflects its origins, its intentions and the medium. It is a joint product of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES) and The Faculty of Agriculture and Food Systems, The University of Melbourne. Connections is an extension publication, connecting material in farm and agribusiness, in marketing and management, in environment and resources.

Connections - 2010

Paper 102

The Farm Productivity Delemma: Grassland Society

Michael Carroll

It seems that we are destined to an ongoing decline in our terms of trade.
As to whether we are victims of our own success with our productivity achievements being a cause of the decline in our terms of trade, it appears to me that the answer is the same as the riddle, “which came first, the chick or the egg?”.

Paper 101

Australian Economic Development and the Environment: Conflict or Synergy

Jeff Bennett

The populist view of economic development and the environment is that advances in one will necessarily result in a decline in the other. Evidence in the Australian context is that the dual goals can be achieved simultaneously.


Glenn Ronan, Co-editor and Principal strategy Consultant, corporate Strategy and Policy, Primary Industries and Resources South Australia.

Bill Malcolm, Co-editor and Associate Professor, Faculty of Land and Food resources, The University of Melbourne, Victoria.


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