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Agribusiness Review - Vol. 4 - 1996What is the Australian Food Council doing for us?Mr Murray Rogers, Chairman, Australian Food Council, and Executive Chairman, Kellogg Australia Pty Ltd. AbstractThe Founding Members of the Australian Food Council (AFC) determined that the processed food and beverage industry must take greater control of its own destiny, set its own agenda for growth, the strategic marketing of its products, and so convert its comparative advantages into competitive strengths. Establishing the AFC as the industry's peak national representative body is our answer to the historical legacy of an industry that is, or is perceived, as fragmented, passive, inwardly focussed and reactive. National Competition Policy and Statutory Marketing AuthoritiesAnne Nolan, Assistant Under Treasurer (Commercial) Treasury Department, Western Australia. AbstractNational Competition Policy is a policy, which is likely to have far-reaching ramifications for our economy over the next few years. The objective of this paper is to explain key elements of the National Competition Policy Agreement (CPA) and to provide some insights as to its implications for statutory marketing authorities (SMAs). Food and Agriculture in AustraliaMichael Wheatley, Director, Spencer Stuart, Executive Search Consultants. AbstractThere's a revolution going on in food in Australia and the world, and its passing Australian agriculture by. It doesn't have to, but it is. And without almost total change in the way we behave, my forecast is that Australian agriculture will be significantly worse off in the future than it is now, and it might not even notice that it has happened. The Retailer-Driven UK Food Industry: Structure, Performance and Implications for AustraliaBill Schroder, Head, Syme Business School-Frankston, Monash University & Nicki Marks, Project Director, Australian Agribusiness Research Unit, Monash University AbstractThe industrialisation of food production and distribution was described in a recent issue of this journal. The demand for industrialisation is driven ultimately by consumers' demands for product diversity and food safety. Food manufacturers and retailers respond to this requirement by seeking differentiated products and raw materials, and an identifiable quality audit trail back to the farm and even farm-input suppliers. Industrialisation is facilitated by biotechnology (allowing a faster response to changes in consumers requirements) and information technology (allowing electronic linkages between firms). For retailers and processors, the transaction costs of dealing directly with agricultural producers is reduced by the emergence of a small number of large 'corporate' farmers. Distribution of Mandarins in IndonesiaStuart Gray, Project Director, Agribusiness Research Unit, Monash University. AbstractAlan Ologoski moved slowly down the driveway, past mandarin trees on both sides. At the main road, he turned and headed back to the Sunshine Coast Fruit Marketing Cooperative Association Ltd office at Nambour, Queensland. It was another few minutes of driving before the citrus trees of Sunstate Orchards gave way to grazing land. That year, 1995, would see 10 000 cases of mandarins go into the Indonesian market. For the next year it should be around 30 000 to 40 000 cases. In a few years time, more than 400 000 cases of mandarins should be sold to Indonesia each year. Research Funding for Australian Agribusiness: Some Empirical EvidenceS Nicholas Samuel, Brenda Anderson and Gavin Riggs Abstract The continuing decline in Australian protectionism, and the increasing need for international competitiveness, require Australian agribusiness firms to cope with increasingly dynamic marketing environments. For instance, the deregulation of statutory marketing arrangements has increased the exposure of agricultural industries to market forces. Changes which expose firms to competitive pressures necessitate responsive agribusiness strategies designed to maximise opportunities and minimise threats. Food Expenditure Patterns in Urban and Rural Indonesia, 1981 to 1993Erni Widjajanti and Elton Li AbstractThis paper analyses food expenditure patterns in Indonesia with special emphasis on the difference between urban and rural sectors, and on shifts in expenditure patterns over time. Food expenditure patterns in Indonesia vary between urban and rural consumers. Shifts over time in expenditure patterns are also evident. A/though incomes differ between rural and urban areas and have increased over the years, differences in income a/one fail to sufficiently explain variations in food expenditure patterns over time and between rural and urban locations. Rural income elasticity for most food products is higher than for the corresponding urban elasticity. Downward trends in the estimated values of the elasticity for some individual commodities over time are noticeable, with the trends more noticeable for urban areas. Downward trends in income elasticity for cereals are especially pronounced. The relatively high income elasticity for the non-staple food items, both in rural and urban areas, suggest the potential of a large Indonesian market for non-staple food in the future. Notable commodities are meats, eggs and milk; and fruits, which are strong luxuries both in urban and rural areas. National Competitive Advantage and Agribusiness Scholarship as a Strategic ResourceSteve Sonka and Michael Mazzocco Abstract This paper examines the role of agribusiness research within the context of international competitiveness, explores the existing gap between the potential and actual roles of agribusiness scholarship, and proposes an alternative conceptual framework to enhance the societal effectiveness of agribusiness research. The essence of the paper is depicted in Figure], which indicates: Research ReviewsBook Reviews |
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