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Land and Environment : Agribusiness Assoc. of Australia

Agribusiness Perspectives Papers 2004

The Learning Organisation: a new imperative for Australian Agribusiness

Anthony J. Dunne
School of Natural & Rural Systems Management, The University of Queensland, Gatton, Queensland.
Paper 62, April 2, 2004


Since the mid 1980s Australian agribusiness has been subjected to continuous structural change as individual firms have adjusted to the forces of deregulation, advances in technology and dynamic consumer expectations.

Evidence of this structural change can be found in the consolidation that has occurred at all stages of the agribusiness value chain and the emergence of partnerships, alliances and networks as the predominant strategic option among these firms.

This paper examines the role that organizational learning can play in assisting both individual firms and the value chains to which they belong adjust to these changes in their competitive environment. Drawing on the literature, three checklists have been constructed that enable executives of agribusiness firms to assess their firms' ‘readiness to learn' and their capacity to develop a learning agribusiness within a learning agribusiness chain.

In doing so, the author raises the question – do Australian agribusiness firms have any option but to become learning organizations if they are to compete successfully?

Agricultural Policy Reform in India: Implications for Pulse Trade, Prices and Production, 1970-1999

Frank W. Agbola
School of Policy, The University of Newcastle, Callagham, Australia.
Paper 63, April 20, 2004


India is a major producer and consumer of pulses in the world. In the last two decades, India's pulse economy has undergone major policy and institutional reforms. These changes are likely to influence India's trade in pulses and consequently world pulse trade. This article examines the impact of these reforms on trade, prices and production in India. The article discusses the factors that instigated these policy reforms and their consequences. The results indicate that a number of key economic, political and technological factors are reshaping pulse industry in India. The policy implication of the findings is discussed.

The Economics of HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point): A Literature Review

Kay Cao, Oswin Maurer, Frank Scrimgeour and Chris Dake
Paper 64, April 25, 2004


This paper focuses on important issues associated with the implementation of HACCP regulation and provides an overview on recent literature published on the economic effects of food safety regulation and HACCP implementation that maybe of relevant for food safety regulation and implementation in a New Zealand context. The structure of the paper follows four groupings of issues as identified in the international literature as being of relevant in the assessment of economics effects of food safety regulation: (1) HACCP as a food safety regulation; (2) HACCP as a business management tool; (3) HACCP as an international trade standard; and (4) the impacts of HACCP on welfare distribution and market structure. The paper concludes with some implications for future research.

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