Personal Background Jeff has had a worked for a number of years with primary producers in Central QLD in a diverse range of areas and an equally diverse range of enterprises. He holds an Advanced Diploma of Farm Management, Advanced Diploma of Horticulture and an Advanced Certificate of Horticulture. He is a member of the Institute of Management Consultants and the Australian Soil and Plant Analysis Council. He is registered with the Quality Society of Australasia and with Freshcare to facilitate Quality Assurance programs. Company Background AGrowPlan Consultancy is an agriculture and agribusiness consultancy providing practical advice and services to primary producers of QLD. Clients include broadacre farmers, small-crop growers, tree & vine crop growers, dairy farmers and graziers, as well as potential rural investors, research, financial and rural community organisations. Areas of Specialisation
Quality Assurance
Crop Management
Other Services
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